
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Not A Hiatus But You Should Know

A huge gust of wind blew off most of the leaves that was left on those trees today. Winter is coming.

With the advent of (real, not makeup) holidays unfortunately comes the toughest weeks in the semester, and I'm ashamed to admit that I've been spreading myself so thin throughout all my responsibilities that I sometimes forget that my studies should still take top shelf, no matter what else I prefer to be doing. I'm not failing, of course, but I'm getting Asian Fs and that's just... not good.

I'm still going to blog, but I just wanted to let you know that things might get a little slow around here. Perhaps more nail polish/Guess What Polish posts, things that require less rigorous testing/photographing, maybe a skincare feature or What's In My Stash type of thing. 

Thank you as always for reading Messy Wands. I've received some very kind comments recently (and throughout my time blogging, actually) and often can't believe that people would be interested to hear what I have to say, much less be so nice to me. You guys are the absolute best. 

Now off to slave like a real student should during her (three weeks worth of) finals!


  1. I feel OLD :P Good luck with Finals!

  2. Good luck! I had a dream I was still at University and missed 3 weeks of classes - thank heaven it was ONLY a dream!

  3. GOOD LUCK! Studies or blog or anything, you have my support <3

  4. Asian F's = Glee reference! YAY! LOL
    As long as we still see something ;) I don't want to go through withdrawl!

  5. My brother's working on his own finals right now. You go do what you need to do, and we'll still be here. Best wishes.


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